By Kate Hill
Extreme States
"Extreme States" is a term commonly used to describe experiences such as hearing voices, seeing visions, and other sensory phenomenon frequently thought of as anomalous in western culture. Diagnosticians use terms such as schizophrenia, bipolar and psychosis. These terms are not accurate descriptions for everyone.. Research consistently reflects that hearing voices and seeing visions is a natural part of the human experience. You are not alone.
These experiences can be very complex and should be treated with respect. They can be rich with meaning, and the one having them can be supported, embraced and empowered through this process.
Extreme states can also be a result of a number of factors, including trauma. Unfortunately, clinical culture is notoriously ill equipped to handle voices, visions, spiritual experiences and extreme states at this time.
"Living in the US is a predictor that one will not recover from schizophrenia"
-Robert Whitaker
Fortunately, there are a number of natural, non-invasive and empowering ways to engage with these experiences. Many people find deeper meaning in them, develop an incredible sense of self, connection and purpose, and move forward in strength and determination.